Tuesday 1 July 2008


Artist: Golana

   New Age


Lone Pine Canyon   
 Lone Pine Canyon

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 11

Moon Of First Snow   
 Moon Of First Snow

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Feather On The Wind   
 Feather On The Wind

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 11

Walk Between Worlds   
 Walk Between Worlds

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 10

Path To The Heart   
 Path To The Heart

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 9

Native American flutist Golaná was natural Scott Cunningham and raised as an Anglo-American. He was first gear attracted to euphony through christian church hymns and began four days of forte-piano lessons at ashcan School, followed by four age of trumpet in schoolhouse bands; he began playacting guitar at 15. He gradational from San Diego State University with a B.S. in Information Systems Management and got his master's degree in Systems Management from U.S.C. After a bodied life history, he started his own data processor software program consulting line in the mid-'80s. At the same time, having recovered from dose and alcohol colony, he embarked on a spiritual search that lED him to study Native American culture. His interest was given greater drift when an auntie told him that his great-great-grandmother was a Cherokee, making him sixteenth part Native American. Turning to the flute, he began performing a Native American style of new eld music, also influenced by '70s common people and rock. In a Cherokee ceremony, he was christened Golaná, which means predate. Responding to inquiries about his euphony, he began issue it on records, beginning with Track to the Heart and chronic with Walk Between Worlds and 2000's Feather on the Wind.